Found Animals

What to do if you find an injured or orphaned animal

Find a licensed rehabilitator in your area and contact them FIRST, before approaching the animal.

View a list of licensed rehabilitators, by county, in the state of NH. A rehabilitator may be able to help you determine if this animal should be left alone, or if further action is required.

Couple of mice babies

Do not feed.

Please do not attempt to give an animal food or water when you find it. The wrong food, the wrong temperature, too much or too little can be deadly!

Be sure.

Is the animal actually orphaned? Mother rabbits feed their babies once or twice a day for approximately 5 minutes. To avoid attracting predators, they spend the rest of their time as far away from the nest as possible. They allow babies to appear "abandoned" because it ensures that the nest is not obvious to predators. Please call before removing any babies.

Be safe.

Remember to use protective clothing, such as gloves, if a rehabilitator advises you to provide initial assistance. Wild animals can carry all sorts of diseases that can be dangerous to your or your pet’s health. Never handle a wild animal without protective gear.

Keep Safe.

Keep the injured or orphaned animal in a safe and dark box or a cat carrier covered with a towel until the animal is at the rehabber. Many wild animals may appear calm when be handled, but they are actually terrified. DO NOT ALLOW CHILDREN TO HANDLE WILD ANIMALS. Be sure to disinfect any areas in your home or car that the animal may have been in contact with.

Be Prepared,

Stay Prepared for an animal emergency by keeping a CAR CARE KIT at the ready.